Join our Bilingual Reading Intervention Study for the What Works Clearinghouse.
We are seeking 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms to participate in this 12-week study.
Each teacher will be provided with (brief and simple) training in how to use the program, all instructional materials, record-keeping sheets, a School Account and a Student Account for each student.
Participating teachers will need to complete a DIBELS reading assessment for each student before and after the study and provide anonymized demographic and DIBELS data. They will also need a web-enabled device for each student (desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone) and internet access.
The program is designed to provide 30 minutes of daily reading instruction, in English with full Spanish translations. The students will work at their own pace through the online lessons, and have a short weekly check-in with the teacher during the same 30-minute period.
A classroom teacher, reading specialist or educational assistant can run the program. The on-line lessons are simple to use; we even have a kindergarten class in Oregon using them in a pilot program.
Every teacher that completes the study will be provided with a 3-year grant for free use of a School account and Unlimited Annual accounts for each of their students. Each participating school will also receive a 3-year grant to use the 70 lessons in the Bilingual Reading Intervention Program for every student in the school for three years.
Further, we expect to see significant gains in reading skills for all of the students who participate in the study.

Bilingual Reading Intervention
Pilot License
Applications are now open for a one-year unlimited license of our program for schools that would like to try it out during the 2017-2018 school year.
This can be for a limited-scope pilot, or to make the full transition easier by eliminating licensing fees for the first year to focus on purchasing computers and networking infrastructure.
Limited-scope pilots may be of these types and more:
Independent work-ahead study for Talented & Gifted students.
Distance learning.
Regional program for migrant workers.
Bilingual immersion programs.
Tier One community-wide program (kindergarten, preschools, day care providers, parents & grandparents).
Tutoring or remedial programs.
Homework for "flipped classroom" models.
Home/School Hybrid programs (students attend school 2-3 days a week then complete the rest at home, especially the online lessons).
Alternative schools and credit recovery programs.
If you would like to immediately begin transitioning your program fully to our model, the license includes on-site staff training and a detailed transition plan including a budget.